Tuesday, February 28, 2012

simile poem

My brother is like the half of my life.
My brother is like the feelings of my heart.
My brother is like a mirror to my reflection,
because my brother is my twin.


1. boxing is like dog fight
2. golf is bornig like school
3. football is like a battlefield

1. christmas is like gifts
2. thanksgiving is like buffet
3. new years is like drinks

1. my sister is like a chimney
2. my brother is like a grinch
3. my mom is like a flower

Wednesday, January 18, 2012

Tall Poem

Football is the best
better than the rest
It's more tphysically demanding
sports sports remamding
Are the best of all
Sickest of all.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

tall tale

My sister was reading a long book.I ask her when did you start reading it?
She had said in this morning,but she was already half done.
she is so smart that she could read 20 books in a week.
So how she had a book quiz. she is so smart that she could fishish a test into ten minutes.
I got a smart sister who can do both things.
with out a sweat.

Thursday, August 25, 2011

starry night

1.Vincent Van Gogh was a symbol of  expression, and he was born in Groot-Zundert, Holland.
He was the son of a pastor. and he grew up in a religious cultured atmosphere.

2. He lived 115 years ago, people still like his artwork.
His painting and drawing has been copied by alot of people.
"Artist Persona" is largely a result of his influence.

3. America and Mexico sign the Gadsden Treaty.
In 1861-The civil war in america began.
Also the civil rights Act passed.

4. January 3,1853 San Diego county board of supervisor's hold its first meeting. 1860- San Diego Herald San Diego's first newpaper,was founded
1865-The first public school house opened in San Diego. Mary Chase Walker is its first teacher.